A Creativity Calendar for all Seasons The edstoria Creating Through The Seasons 2021 is not...
What we do?

We help educators PLAY with accessible tools that develop creative practices that keep them in the classroom beyond their rookie years.

We develop educators that CREATE in and out of the classroom through practices that renew and inspire joy.

We provide spaces for educators to gather and COLLABORATE with a community to help them grow creative practices personally and professionally beyond...
Blog posts
Stories and Other Musings
Take It Easy
Worried about the future.Overwhelmed by the present.Somewhere in the past, summer has come and gone. Dreams and plans are slowed...
Renewing the Spirit with Creative Thinking
This winter I have been thinking a lot about renewing the mind, body, and spirit. As I began the season...
Harvesting Sustainable Practices
Sustained exhaustion is not a rite of passage. It's a mark of stupidity. ~ Jason Fried At the beginning...