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These days I am happier because the days will become longer and ultimately there will be more sunshine. I love to be able to take walks outside and observe the world around me and reflect on how new and different it all looks as we transition from the glum wet, cold, winter to the bright rays and warmth of the sun. It is then I know that Spring has arrived and change is upon us. A time to reflect on all the surrounds me and recognize how I am more able to immerse myself in my physical world with a skip in my step. I can’t help to wonder how that skip can apply to my day-to-day activities as a teacher and coach.  School is challenging in so many ways. As teachers, it seems that the moment Spring emerges we have set our eyes on Summer.  Spring offers us the opportunity to tune into our growth since the beginning of the school year, but also to reflect on what we want to grow into so that we can start strategizing our summer of recuperation and dig into those ideas that have sparked throughout the year.  We are always growing and changing and Spring is the perfect time to take inventory and nurture the seedlings that are starting to show themselves as we gear up to end the year strong. Change is never easy and in growth, there may be some pain, but what is on the other side is something to bask in and smile about. Take a moment, breathe deeply, and embrace the change Spring will bring for you in the months to come.